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Why bash the elite Pervez Hoodbhoy Dawn newspaper editorial with Urdu meaning and translation
Pakistan : Islam, Pakistan and it's Ruling Elites by Tarek Fatah
Pervez Hoodbhoy Why bash the elite? Today Dawn editorial with Urdu meaning and translation 28 Jan 23
Poor State of Higher Education in Pakistan, Season Finale with Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy #highereducation
Why Pakistan Anti-Science Society and what kind of question did Governor ask the nuclear scientist?
Interview with Amna Nawaz on Pakistan
EFSAS Interview with Professor Pervez Hoodbhoy on the current state of affairs in Pakistan
My three talks at the BLACK HOLE, Islamabad
Our hybrid regime and India's success story
Book Launch: Pakistan’s Wars – An Alternative History | Dr. Tariq Rahman
Dharmik Trivedi: India has 1.7 million homeless people; the figure for Pakistan is 20 million.
Wealth and the Conflict of Ideas